Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Sometimes I take a look at all of my families bills and wonder how our lives would be different if we spend our money on different things and did so wisely. We have two car loans that are more than $800 all together per month and I just imagine what we could do with that money. I mean seriously. We would have more money for groceries and clothes. It's funny to see what we over all trade things for. It is great that we have two reliable vehicles but I do wish we had more money and didn't have to worry about debt so much. I just claimed bankruptcy and don't plan on doing it again. I don't want anymore high credit card bills and I really want to put my money to good use. We don't need two vehicles but in the future we will. It is better to pay for them now and not worry about it when we move down south where it's more expensive to live. After the cars are paid off, we will be able to buy a house, which will be great. We need to stop trading in our vehicles and I'm hoping that my fiances truck will be the last vehicle change for at least 10 years. I want us to have a good future and not have to worry about money. The economy is doing really bad right now but normally we always find a way to make it through anything. I'm pretty positive but I do have my moments when I think that it's just over and there is no up. I guess I should just get use to having hard times cause life is full of them. I just feel like things could be so much better.

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